University of Ioannina 

LIGHT Erasmus Intensive Program


A presentation about LIGHT Erasmus IP



Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus -Β  Intensive Programmes (IP)






The main objective of the project is to develop a strong multidisciplinary approach-cooperation of different HEI departments on Cultural Studies of Science Education. The I.P. Project brings a strong innovation in Science Education in early grades by communicating the ways children are educated in the scientific topic of "Light" in a scientific museum or centre or laboratory, based on the philosophy of the "hundred skills", regarding the multiple communicative and elaborative capabilities of the children.




 3 academic years: one meeting per year in different participated country. Target groups: Early Childhood and Primary School Teacher students. The IP will be open also to Science Teachers (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc.). It ties to the existent undergraduate programmes as a free choice course providing 5 ECTS.




 For 2 weeks, 6-7 Students and 2-3 Teachers from each University will participate to: interactive activities; simulated cases discussions; multidisciplinary approaches of "hundred skills" on most relevant case-studies; round-table and plenary discussions; lectures from Teachers and Professionals involved in the relevant field; quality evaluation of all activities.




- Encourage efficient and multinational teaching of the topic of "Light" which is fundamental scientific topic in all sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc.) as well as science education. This topic might otherwise not be taught at all in a multidisciplinary way.

- Enable students and teachers to work together in multinational groups and so benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution, and to gain new perspectives on the topic of "Light". Especially strong innovative pedagogical and didactical approaches and concepts, which will be used, are:


1) common partners' philosophy of the "hundred skills", regarding the multiple communicative and elaborative capabilities of the children.


2) University of Ioannina researching innovation on using cultural-historical-activity theory in Science Education. This approach takes into consideration the whole learning and teaching context including tools, subjects, objects, community rules, and division of labour.


3) Common partners' experience in outdoors science education (in museums, atelier, parks etc.) based on inquiring learning.

- Allow members of the teaching staff to exchange views on teaching content and new curricula approaches and to test teaching methods in an international open classroom environment.


Objectives of the LIGHT I.P.:


a) The project aims to contribute to the development of quality university (tertiary) teacher education to promote high performance, innovation and a European dimension in systems and practices in science education.


b) To support the realisation of a European area for cultural studies in science education b the using of cultural-historical-activity theory.


c) To help improve the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of the opportunities of ERASMUS project within member states. The students as citizens will develop public awareness and positive attitudes towards natural sciences. The development of an interactive website can offer distance learning.


d) To reinforce the contribution of ERASMUS project to social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, gender equality and personal fulfilment. Our project will promote collaborative learning, team work, discourse, active participation, respect for the different opinion, tolerance through the teaching approaches used in the project and the activities analyzed in worksheets.


e) To help promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and the growth of an entrepreneurial spirit via the innovative pedagogical approaches.


h) To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for teaching and learning.


i) To reinforce the role of ERASMUS project in creating a sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for human rights and democracy, and encouraging tolerance and respect for other peoples and cultures. In our project, we support collaborative learning and appropriate practices which compensate opportunities to both genders and different cultures and strengthen the democratic consciousness and decision-process.


j) To promote co-operation in quality assurance in all sectors of education and training in Europe by using apparatuses in all sectors of education and training. We will use ICT affordances (e.g. website,) as vehicle for involving new partners in a sustainable way for continuously improving quality in all sectors of education and teacher training in Europe.


k) To encourage the best use of results, innovative products and processes and to exchange good practice via ERASMUS project, in order to improve the quality of education and training. We envisage that our innovative training modules can act as catalyst for similar attempts targeting the best use of results, innovative products and processes and exchange of good practice in the fields covered by the LLP (e.g. more and better jobs, greater social cohesion).


f) To contribute to increased participation in lifelong learning by people of all ages, including those with special needs and disadvantaged groups, regardless of their socio-economic background. The website and e-training materials may progressively involve in related activities more and more teachers and other stakeholders, such as members of the general public and disadvantaged groups that may find useful and informative resources for becoming literate in terms of science issues.